Grand Parkway Baptist Church

God's Good Purpose In Suffering

September 21, 2020 Blake Hardcastle
Grand Parkway Baptist Church
God's Good Purpose In Suffering
Show Notes

2 Corinthians 1:8-11

1) Christians suffer too v.8

2) God is working in your difficulty…on you v.9 

“When Paul was convinced that no wisdom or efforts of his own could deliver him from death, then he was forced to rely on the power of God” -Charles Hodge

"God intends for the disappointments of this present world to make us long for the next. This world is not a safe place to look to for a sense of well-being, so we groan as we wait eagerly for the paradise to come.” Paul Tripp

3) God makes us Rely on Him by Exposing Misplaced Trust v.9 

4) God Makes us Rely upon Him by Delivering us from Peril v.10

5) God Makes us Rely on Him, through Prayer v.11


What source(s) of strength have you made a habit of relying upon?

What do you need to “do your best at” through prayer? 

Do you relate to God often as a Performer? A Pretender? Something Else?

Where in your life does God have to be up to something good, because of Jesus?

Who has God brought to your mind to come alongside?