Grand Parkway Baptist Church

The Reality You Were Created For

October 05, 2020 Neil McClendon
Grand Parkway Baptist Church
The Reality You Were Created For
Show Notes

Daniel 2.31-49

1. Observation, v. 31-35

2. Interpretation, v. 36-45 






a)  Each of these kingdoms has a successor

b)  Notice that as these metals decrease in value they increase in strength

c)  Jesus inaugurates the Kingdom

-Mark 1.14-15

-Revelation 11.15

3. Application

1) God mercifully communicates to those who don’t know him 

-Luke 20.17-18

2) Wisdom is not a lesson to be learned but a relationship to be enjoyed. 

3) God knows the future

-Isaiah 46.9-10

4) all earthy authority is transient by nature

5) Who you marry matters

6) Because of the reality of the Kingdom, the Gospel is news not advice

7) Being praised and promoted is not a sign of selling out

Mental worship…

How does the fact that God knows the future shape how you think/feel about the future? About God?

Can we contribute to the Kingdom of God getting bigger? If so, how? 

Are you empowered to be humble in your marriage? 

What area of your life do you most need to apply the truth that “the King  has won?”

What will you think about most walking away from this morning?