Grand Parkway Baptist Church
Grand Parkway Baptist Church
Nov 17, 2024
Neil McClendon, Lead Pastor
Components of Biblical Faith - Part 3
The Final Judgment
Acts 24:24-25
Introductory thoughts…
a) Being nonjudgmental will not get you out of judgement.
b) The final judgment is good news.
c) The final judgment reminds us that evil won’t triumph.
d) The final judgment explains the Gospel.
e) The final judgment is forever.
Four Things About The Final Judgment
1. The dead will be raised
- Acts 24:14-15
2. Everyone is being judged and will be judged
- 2 Peter 2:4-10
3. The Christian and the non-Christian have different experiences of judgement
- Revelation 20:11-15
A few things to notice…
a) All people will stand before God in judgement
b) How you live indicts you on judgement day
c) A person goes to hell because they don’t have a relationship with Jesus
- 2 Corinthians 5:10
A few of things to notice…
a) Judgement for the Christian has nothing to do with their salvation
b) For a Christian, judgement is about recognition and reward for the life you lived on earth
c) Some rewards will be lost because of how we lived
4. The motivation for becoming a Christian shouldn't be to escape judgement but to experience fullness
- Psalm 37
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Mental worship…
1. Do you ever think of the final judgement as good news?
2. How does knowing that everybody lives forever, just in different places, inform and affect the way you share the Gospel?
3. Can you feel when you are experiencing God’s judgement?
4. Do you believe that the life you are currently living will be rewarded in heaven?
5. What brings you comfort when you feel hopeless about the state of the world today?