Grand Parkway Baptist Church
Grand Parkway Baptist Church
Elements of An Effective Testimony
Feb 2, 2025
Neil McClendon, Lead Pastor
Elements of An Effective Testimony
Acts 26:1-32
1. A past, v. 1-11
The glory of your present life should always eclipse the shame of your past. If not, you will always fear your past.
2. A conversion experience, v. 12-18
Three things that are universal for every conversion experience…
a) God appears to you, v. 16
b) God delivers you, v. 17
c) God sends you, v. 17-18
Four things happen when people’s eyes are opened…
1) they turn from darkness to light
2) turn from the power of Satan to the power of God
3) they receive forgiveness of sin
4) they get a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Jesus (the Church)
3. A consistent life, v. 19-23
A converted life is consistent to three things…
a) God’s vision for their life, v. 19-21
b) God’s help, v. 22
c) Biblical doctrine, v. 22b-23
1) atonement- Jesus died in your place/for your sins
2) resurrection- the receipt that confirms God’s acceptance
3) salvation- you can change because of the first two
4. A shared focus, v. 24-29
Mental worship…
1 What are some of the “goads” in your life and to what are they pointing you?
2 Is your life more of a reflection of God’s vision or your desires?
3 Have you ever experienced the help that comes from God?
4 What kind of world would it be if everyone was like you are spiritually?
5 Are you a prisoner to anything these days?